| Mark Eberhart Colorado School of Mines | 
| Dr. Eberhart received his Ph.D. in Materials Science and Engineering from MIT in May of 1983. Following a short postdoctoral stint at MIT, he moved to Los Alamos where he worked as a staff scientist in the Materials Science and Technology Division. It was there that Dr. Eberhart became part of a group seeking to use computational methods to design materials, as opposed to the Edisonian approach employed in conventional materials development—a program with potentially immense benefits. In 1992, he took a faculty position at Colorado School of Mines where he has been since then. To this day Dr. Eberhart continues with the work begun at Los Alamos. Because of his expertise in the application of computational methods in the design of materials, he is asked to sit on the technical advisory boards and visiting committees to several national laboratories. He is passionate about effectively communicating the ideas and excitement of science to the public and has written two books of popular science: Why Things Break, Understanding the World by the Way it Comes Apart, and Feeding the Fire, The Lost History and Uncertain Future of Mankind’s Energy Addiction. Dr. Eberhart is active in faculty governance and is the current President of CSM’s Faculty Senate.
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